Executive Council notes “increasing pace” in moving chemicals out of Syria
7 March 2014 - OPCW-UN Joint Mission verifies nearly 29% of total chemical stockpile has been removed
The Executive Council concluded its 75th Session today with a consensus report that "positively noted" the progress that has been made with respect to eliminating the Syrian chemical weapons programme, and also noted delays that have occurred about which concerns were expressed.
The Council report noted the "increasing pace" of removal of Syria's chemical stockpile and requested the Syrian Arab Republic to continue "systematic, predictable and substantial movements". It also requested Syria to accelerate its efforts, where possible and in collaboration with the Joint Mission, to complete removal in the shortest possible time.
The Joint Mission has verified that another consignment of Priority 1 chemicals arrived in Latakia and was removed from the port aboard a cargo ship. The consignment brings to nearly 29% the amount of Syria's chemical stockpile that has now been removed for destruction outside the country. Previous to the Council session this week, the Syrian Government informed the Joint Mission of a revised plan for removing all relevant chemicals from its territory by 27 April 2014.
With regard to certain structures that had housed chemical weapons production equipment, the Council requested the OPCW Director-General to facilitate the preparation of a destruction plan and to dispatch a team of experts from the Technical Secretariat to Syria for this purpose.
Source: OPCW